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I.B.C Blenders

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IBC Blender is ideal for blending sample of powder for formulation development and even small size special batches. BM15L is suitable for up to 15 Litres IBCs whereas BM120L is suitable for up to 120 Litres IBCs. Different capacity and shapes of IB containers can be used on these blender machines.

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Capsule Counting Machinery, De Blistering Machine, Die And Punch Cabinet, Double Impulse Sealers, High Barrier Pouches And Bags, I. B. C Blenders, Label Counting And Inspection Machine, Label Counting Machine, Manufacturing Process Machines, Other Products, Packing Line Conveyor, S. S Pallets, Sealer, Sealing Machines, Tablet And Capsule Elevator, Tablet And Capsule Inspection Machine, Tablet Counting Machinery, Universal And Clean Room Sealers, Vacuum Sealers